Work of St. Augustine (S. Augustini Opera) printed in 1555 in Paris Consist of 10 Volumes.
Biblia Poliglotta 1657-1669 in 9 Volumes,
The Copy of first Syro-Malabar Missal printed in 1774 in Rome and used by Fr Thomas Porukara and St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara,
Latin Missal printed in Rome in 1884 are some of the vital records and documents.
Complete works of saint Ephraem of Syria : Collected works,3rd volume,Printed in Rome 1743. St Ephraem lived in Fourth century and was a syriac scholar. The book was published on the life span of Pope Benedict X IV in Latin and Syriac
Bibliotheca orientalis Clementino - Vaticana :Scriptoribus syris orthodoxis , printed in Rome 1759.
Commentaria New litteralis by Calmet, Augustino, Printed in Venetiis in 1767
First printed copies of Aatmanuthapam (1871) and Njanapeeusham composed by St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara.
Printed copy of first bible translated by Manikathanar with detailed explanations.