Latin Books
There are more than 2000 Latin books in the Mannanam Archives, the value and quality of which varies. Here we introduce some very rare books of antiquity.
The Complete Works of St Augustine,
Omnium Operum D. Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi. There are ten volumes with index, published from Friburgi Brisgarae, in MDXXIX. The topics covered are extremely exhaustive.
The Complete works of St Ephrem in six parts distributed in three volumes, in Syriac and Latin.
Sancti Ephraemae Syri Opera Omni in Sex Tomos, Distributa Tomus Tertius, Syriacae Et Latinae, Romae, M D CCXLIII, pp.687.
Polemic Lexicon or Dictionary, second edition in two volumes, published from Rome in 1760. Lexicon Polemicum By D. Johanne Sianda (Cistercian)
Editio Secunda, Tomus Primus Romae, MDCCLX, pp. 436, A – L,Tomus Secundus, Romae, MDCCLX. Throughthis text, the readers are introduced to the polemic topics.
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